Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Parents -

I was looking into catering and selling food to parents and athletes after the Dick Mitchell. This takes on a lot of risk so I've decided not to do this.  A few parents have signed up to help with concessions - thank you!  I'm wondering if parents would be willing to donate water or gatorade to the concession stand.  This could be dropped off at Coach Pischke's when you drop off or pick up your daughter from the pancake run at Coach Pischke's this Saturday.  Also, depending on weather, perhaps we could order a bunch of Little Caesar's pizzas to sell during/after the meet? I believe they deliver.  We would need to have plates and napkins as well then.

A couple of parents are looking into getting food and drink donations from businesses - this could reduce or eliminate the amount we need to get.  We are thinking we will have about 300 runners. Not all will buy a water, gatorade etc.  We should know if we get these by Monday.

If you want to donate something, you can drop it off this weekend or wait to hear if we got a business donation and bring it to the meet.

If you have ideas or know you'll be donating something, you can post it so we have an idea of our quantities.  You can comment on this (or any post) by clicking on the title - this will show you the post (and not the other posts before or after it). Scroll down to the bottom and there should be a place to post a comment.

The Dick Mitchell race schedule for racing is:
3:00? - enough time to set up concession stand?
3:40 JV Girls
4:10 JV Boys
4:45 Varsity Girls
5:15 Varsity Boys

Thanks for considering.


  1. I plan to bring Gatorade to coach's house on Saturday. Julie Sharar ( Kaia's mom )

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Marcia Gardner is bringing 2 cases of water and some gatorade.
